Play Blog — acceptance week

Exploring Play-Based Learning with the Edx Education Podcast

Exploring Play-Based Learning with the Edx Education Podcast

Educational paradigms are continually evolving, play-based learning is gaining significant traction. The "Play, Learn & Create with Edx Education" podcast, hosted by Heather Welch, delves into the intricacies and benefits of this innovative approach to education. Understanding Play-Based Learning Play-based learning is a pedagogical approach that uses play as the primary mode of learning. This method is grounded in the understanding that children learn best when they are engaged, curious, and motivated. The "Play, Learn & Create with Edx Education" podcast emphasises the importance of this approach by discussing various aspects such as its benefits, different stages, and how it...

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The Magic of Open-Ended Toys: Fostering Creativity, Learning, and Development

The Magic of Open-Ended Toys: Fostering Creativity, Learning, and Development

Fostering Creativity Creativity flourishes in an environment where possibilities are endless. Open-ended toys are instrumental in creating such an environment. When children play with these toys, they are not confined by rules or specific outcomes. A set of linking cubes can become a castle, a spaceship, or a fantastical creature – all in the same play session. This freedom encourages children to think outside the box, experiment, and innovate. According to Heather Welch from Edx Education this type of unstructured play is crucial for nurturing creative thinking skills that will serve children well throughout their lives.  

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Shopedx - Messy Play Ideas with Edx Education Sand and Water Trays -

Messy Play Ideas with Edx Education Sand and Water Trays

Messy play is an essential part of a child's development as it stimulates their senses, enhances creativity, and promotes cognitive skills. Sand and water trays are versatile tools that can provide endless opportunities for messy play. Edx Education sand and water trays offer a sturdy and safe platform for children to explore and engage in tactile experiences. In this blog, we will explore ten exciting messy play ideas using Edx Education sand and water trays that will ignite your child's imagination and provide hours of educational fun. Sensory Treasure Hunt: Fill the sand tray with a layer of kinetic sand...

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Shopedx - The benefits of play with edx education toys for children in their early years -

The benefits of play with edx education toys for children in their early years

We love to play, do you love to play? Play with Edx Education toys offers numerous benefits for children in their early years. Here are some key advantages: Cognitive Development: Edx education toys are designed to stimulate children's cognitive abilities. They encourage problem-solving, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. These toys often involve puzzles, construction sets, and manipulative activities that enhance children's spatial awareness, hand-eye coordination, and fine motor skills.

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